RSS Feeds
An oldie but goodie - subscribe to all your favorite things without filling up your inbox.
Back in the good ol' days of the Internet, RSS feeds were the most commonly used way to keep track of updates to websites. Google Reader (🪦RIP) was the most popular way to interface with this technology. When Google Reader was killed in 2013, some claimed it was the end of RSS forever, and for some maybe it was.
But RSS is still around, and is still a great way to keep up with websites that post periodic updates. This website ( has an RSS feed that you can subscribe to get an automatic update every time a new article is posted. It is also the technology behind podcast apps being able to subscribe to feeds from the podcasts you want to listen to.
My favorite "feed reader" is Feedly. Once you make an account there, you can click the little feed button (below) to add any websites you want to follow. Then when you go back to Feedly from your computer or phone, you can quickly zip through updates from all the sites you are subscribed to.

So check out Feedly or Inoreader or one of their competitors and start subscribing (for free) to all the websites you'd like to follow. Might I suggest adding to your list so you always see the latest posts.
If you want to subscribe to more things, you can check out these awesome posts from other people who have instructions for subscribing to Reddit communities, YouTube channels, and more with RSS.